If you’re looking for a freelance editor to review your manuscript before you publish it as an ebook or print-on-demand book, you’ve come to the right place.
The Camden Park Press managing editor, Lyn Worthen, is a professional writer and editor with credentials in both fiction and non-fiction. If you’re an indie author with a manuscript you feel could benefit from an editorial pass, Lyn is here to assist.
We want to keep the rates affordable and easy to calculate, so we base our fees on a flat, per-word basis:
After you send us a sample from your manuscript (up to ten consecutive pages, from anywhere in the document), and the estimated total word-count of the manuscript, we will provide you with an estimated total fee for services.
What services do we provide?
- Copyediting for basic grammar, spelling, typos, and punctuation
- Line-edit mark-up and comments for issues that catch the editor’s attention (i.e., formatting problems, POV shifts, consistency issues [the character had a dog as a pet in the early chapters and now refers to a cat, with no story point regarding the change in pet], information flow issues, etc. The editor will take a deep look at your book, both “under the hood” and as a reader, with a view toward enhancing the reading experience.Edits and comments are made directly on the manuscript, using MS Word’s “Track Changes” functionality.
- Quick turn-around. Most manuscripts can be edited and returned within 2-3 weeks (often less).
- Discussion via e-mail of any issues in the manuscript that arose during the editing process
Editing services are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, or you may schedule a specific editing window (see the Editing Schedule page).
All manuscripts require a deposit of 1/2 the estimated editing fee before work begins; the balance is due on receipt of the completed edits. We accept payment by PayPal, and will provide information regarding how to make payment as part of our communication with you.
Please submit your manuscript as a Microsoft Word .doc or .docx file, using proper manuscript format (1″ margins, double-spaced, 12-13 pt font). Changes and comments will be noted directly in the manuscript, using Word’s “Track Changes” feature.
For more information about scheduling an editing window for your manuscript, please visit the Editing Schedule page.
If you have questions not answered above, please don’t hesitate to ask! You can contact the editor directly by sending an email to:
editor @ camdenparkpress -dot- com